Increased Subscription Pricing

Since the introduction the Wolfram Language Plugin to the JetBrains Marketplace in 2019, over 3 years ago, the initial pricing was not adjusted. With 3 Euro/month for a personal and 12 Euro/month for a commercial license, it was also very modest to begin with. From the beginning, we strongly supported teachers, students, scientist, or people working on open-source projects, who can get the plugin for free. Loyal customers are rewarded with up to 40% discounts on their subscription fees when they renew their licenses. Finally, when JetBrains’ commission fee went up from 5% to 15% after the first year, the pricing was again not adjusted.

I am at a point where I need to increase subscription prices. I tried to approach this from different angles, but eventually settled for a practical way to look at it: What services do I use personally and how much do they cost?

  • Zoom: ~12 Euro/month
  • Grammarly: 12 Euro/month
  • Adobe Photoshop: 23 Euro/month
  • Midjourney: 30 Euro/month
  • Adobe Lightroom: 12 Euro/month
  • Minecraft Realm for the kids: 7 Euro/month
  • Netflix: 18 Euro/month

The median of above subscription fees is 12 Euro. It will be the base for the new pricing scheme and compared to the current personal license costs of 3 Euro per month gives a factor of 4. Therefore, in the next weeks, the pricing of Wolfram Language Plugin will be adjusted to:

  • 12 Euro/month or 120 Euro/year for a personal license.
  • 48 Euro/month or 480 Euro/year for a commercial license.

Current customers will not lose their 20% or 40% discounts on the new prices!

I understand that price increases are something none of us likes and I thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions about the changes or need clarification, please feel free to reach out using the following email:

